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Hartfiel Automation focuses on traceability, reliability and quality. Hartfiel has extensive experience with medical device OEM’s.

Products & Technology


Miniaturization is a demand in today’s medical device market. This miniaturization allows for the patient to have maximum mobility while maintaining their treatments. Meeting the goals of difficult medical applications is one of Hartfiel Automation's core competencies.


Medical Device manufactures demand a great deal from their product. They must be reliable, cost effective and full of the technologies that keep them ahead of competition. Hartfiel has been instrumental with this OEM to provide the key features of precision flow and pressure control that is 100% repeatable.


This medical OEM required a unique and custom form factor. Working within the desired envelope, Hartfiel created a product that exceeded the expectations in both performance and space savings.


In an ever evolving world geared towards efficiency, Hartfiel and MAC teamed up to implement a solution using some classic and proven MAC products while at the same time utilizing a low cost and reliable solution. Repeatability to this OEM is a must for their machine program to finish its precise cycle and begin the start of another one.